Ephesians 4:29 says:
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for
building up others according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (NIV).”
The word “unwholesome” means “corrupted” and refers to something that has degenerated from what is good. It is “worn out” and “no longer fit for use.”
Regardless of any subtleties in the meaning of the word “unwholesome,” Paul contrasts such “talk” with words which build others up. Clearly, what comes out of our mouth can be destructive. Sometimes it’s blatant, such as when we complain. Other times, it can be more subtle, like times we may remember what things “used to be like,” leading us to a place of discontentment.
In Numbers 11, the Israelites complained to Moses “If only we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost – also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!”
Ah, yes, the good old days of slavery in Egypt when everything was free! The Israelites had completely lost perspective and allowed this to seriously color their memory of the past. (For the record, God heard their complaint and brought quail – three feet deep as far as a day’s walk in every direction. Num. 11:31. What a mess!)
James 1 tells us to “consider it pure joy” when we face trials because the testing of our faith develops perseverance. “Perseverance must finish its work so that [we] may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (NIV)"
I’m sure that nearly all of us can point to times in the past that we miss. As a church body, God wants us to find contentment where we are. Many of us have great memories from the first thirty years of our church. Others may have such memories from other churches of which we’ve been a part. Often, however, like the Israelites we don’t remember (or we weren’t aware of) the sacrifices, hardships and heartaches that accompanied those times.
I’m all for celebrating and exhorting one another by the sacrifices that lead to the accomplishments of the past. We are truly blessed to have both a facility and a parsonage that we own free and clear. There are many who have ministered faithfully and tirelessly over the years. At the same time, there are a lot of heartaches that still need to be processed.
There is no question; we are clearly facing an uncertain time. But “uncertain” is far different that “hopeless” or “critical.” Let’s not lose our perspective like the Israelites, who seemed to completely forget the place from which they’d come and that God was both leading and providing for them in truly miraculous ways.
So, whether we talk about the past or the present, let’s be conscious of Paul’s exhortation that whatever we say should be said only for building others up and benefiting those who listen. Let’s not allow what we say to become “corrupted” so that it becomes a source of dissatisfaction or discouragement, whether to ourselves or to others. Let’s encourage one another that God is using this time to mature us, both individually and as a church body.
~ Bob Bylsma
2 Worship the LORD with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the LORD is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
- Psalm 100: 2-4

The next day, on our way heading the same direction up toward Georgetown, we saw cattle loose on the south side of highway 193. One thing was clear...someone sure seemed to be having a bit of a heyday, wreaking havoc, opening gates that restrain livestock. We haven't seen any sheep or cattle carcasses on the side of the road, so we have to think things ended well.
This got me to thinking though. Sheep especially benefit from having the boundaries of a fence. Sheep tend to wander otherwise. Sheep without some sort of guidance or boundary could result in some pretty awful things...lamb chops, for instance! Or road kill, anyhow! Not well for the sheep. :-)
In some ways, our flock at Cool Community Church could now be like that flock of sheep that was meandering along highway 193. We have no human shepherd per say (though we are blessed to have an elder board and two other pastors that are our leaders if we will look to them). What is to keep us from wandering off? There is no lock on the church door to keep us from wandering. The pastures may look mighty green elsewhere!

Bob and I want to urge all of us "sheep" to stay put a spell. This may be a very tempting time to head out to what appears to be greener pastures - or maybe just to wander. But please consider if God would have you do so right now. He may want you to be a part of the adventure that he is unfolding for us here at Cool Community Church! That highway may look mighty appealing, but it may not have the best to offer when all things are considered.
Please ask the Lord if he might not use YOU to encourage others--just by showing up--during this time!
I have found that when I stop being about "Why should I go? What will be there to encourage ME?" and more about "Who can I find to encourage if I attend?" it is literally amazing how God encourages MY heart. I have been blessed beyond measure to greet some of you on Sunday morning or at women's bible study at the parsonage and I love love love my time of being with the other search team members or the worship team members on Thursday nights. I find God has given me SUCH joy in doing that which he prepared in advance for me to do (Ephesians 2:10) that any sense of tiredness or need to relax at home has been overcome by HIS joy flooding through me.
It has been such fun to see changes not just in us (Bob and me), but in our teenagers, too, as we have dragged them along for some our shenanigans with our church family. :-) Daniel often changes the overhead slides for our worship music on Sunday mornings and we are loving attending the youth group on Wednesday nights. God has been encouraging our hearts so much just by being with others of you!
It really is something when I think of how not even six months ago our family prayed and evaluated if God was calling us to leave Cool Community Church. I think of all the time that we spent wondering about this instead of resting in God's will for us and I am saddened. We could have been enjoying all these blessings of getting to know you all that much better for that much longer! :-)
So now that we have settled in to being God's sheep in this pasture in Cool, we are eager for everyone to be just as settled. Psalm 100:2-4 makes it clear...there is such joy when we take our place as His sheep where he calls. Just be sure that you follow HIS leading to wherever He may call! If He calls you to remain a sheep at Cool Community Church then worship Him with gladness along with us! Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise! Let's give thanks to Him! We have one another and we have Him! We are ultimately His sheep...and he won't let us wander out along highway 193! :-)
They That Wait on the Lord Shall Renew Their Strength. They That Don't...Well, They Might NOT Fair Nearly As Well
"Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength"
Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)
In 1 Samuel 13, Saul summoned the people to join him to fight against the Philistines. The Philistines had assembled for battle against them, and the “men of Israel saw that their situation was critical.” So much so, that many hid, while others fled. Saul, however, remained, but “but all the troops with him were quaking with fear.”
Samuel had told Saul “I will surely come down to you to sacrifice burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, but you must wait seven days until I come to you and tell you what you are to do.”
Saul waited seven days, but Samuel did not come, and Saul’s remaining men began to scatter.
Saul made what he must have thought was the only “logical” decision, given the circumstances.
“’So he said, bring me the burnt offering and the fellowship offerings.’ And Saul offered up the burnt offering. Just as he finished making the offering, Samuel arrived, and Saul went out to greet him.” "What have you done?" asked Samuel. Saul replied, "When I saw that the men were scattering, and that you did not come at the set time, and that the Philistines were assembling at Micmash, I thought, 'Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal, and I have not sought the LORD's favor.' So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering."
Compelled. . . . He felt compelled. Indeed, from a human standpoint, his circumstances seemed compelling. The problem was that, in the scheme of God’s timing, it wasn’t nearly as compelling as Saul thought. The right to offer sacrifices belonged exclusively to the priests of Israel – not the king. Essentially, Saul got impatient and panicked. His faith faded and was replaced by fear. He justified his actions - and his disobedience - by pointing to his circumstances. However, he had no way of knowing that God’s provision was, literally, around the corner.
“You acted foolishly," Samuel said. "You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time. But now your kingdom will not endure; the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people, because you have not kept the LORD's command." Strong words (and consequences) for a guy who thought he was “doing the right thing” by moving forward.
As we look for a pastor, I pray that we won’t grow impatient and act hastily. Ephesians 4:11-13 teaches us that God has given the body “gifted men” including pastors and teachers “to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” I have no doubt that God has that particular man in mind and will provide him to Cool Community Church, if we wait on his timing. None of us knows how long the process of calling a new pastor will take or what may occur along the way. (I do know, however, that we have a number of faithful people who are diligently working on this!)
If it should seem like its taking too long or that things are taking a turn for the worse in our church body during this transition period, let’s not lose faith. Instead, let’s wait patiently on the LORD and encourage those who may become discouraged. Let’s not move forward like Saul, who felt “compelled” by his circumstances when he didn’t know what else to do. As God’s chosen people, let’s feel compelled by his leading, as he gives it, and not simply by what makes sense to us at the time.
~ Bob Bylsma
And let us exalt His name together.
I sought the LORD, and He answered me,
And delivered me from all my fears.
- Psalm 34:3-4
What do I "make big" in my life? What do I focus on the most?

Today, I choose to fix my eyes on the Lord and His power, provision, and plan. He has something in store. Join me! Let us exalt HIS name together instead of our fear of the future for Cool Community Church.
A wonderful promise is included in this passage...as we DO exalt Him, as we magnify HIM, he will deliver us from our fears. Where His presence is magnified, things that cause us anxiety diminish.
~ Heidi Bylsma
Sometimes, my eyes get off of the Lord and on to circumstances. I know some folks in our congregation are struggling with a lack of peace during this time when we lack a lead pastor.
God speaks to this in His Word:
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever,
for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.
- Isaiah 26:3,4
LORD, you establish peace for us;
all that we have accomplished
you have done for us.
- Isaiah 26:12
It is so easy to attach our peace to the presence of a man or a solution or...any number of things. Yet the Lord tells us that if our minds are fixed on Him, if we trust in HIM, He will provide the peace that we seek. For this season, we are without a pastor, but we needn't be without peace. Let us remember that the Lord establishes peace for us.
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.
- Psalm 42:6
I’m sure each of us has an idea about “what we’d like to see” in a new pastor. Some would like a pastor “young enough” to relate to the youth, while others may want one who is "older and more mature," so that he will be able relate to those who are retired. Some may want a dynamic speaker, an evangelist, a visionary or a strong, dynamic leader. Better yet, let’s find someone who can “do it all.”
King Saul is a sobering example of what happens when God’s people have their own idea about what their leader should look like, rather than trusting in God himself for their provision.
In 1 Samuel 8, the elders of Israel went to Samuel and asked him to “give us a king to lead us.” Samuel warned the people of the consequences of their demand, but they refused to listen, saying “No! . . . We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations with a king to lead us . . .” So, God gave them what they wanted and instructed Samuel to anoint Saul as king.
Now let’s be clear. The people didn’t get to “vote” for Saul. But when God appointed him, I’m sure they thought he was exactly what they were looking for and what they “needed.” Saul must have been a sight to see. In 1 Samuel 9:2, we’re told that he was a “choice and handsome man, and there was not a more handsome person than he among the sons of Israel” (NASB). 1 Samuel 10:23 says “They ran and brought [Saul] out, and as he stood among the people he was a head taller than any of the others” (NIV). Samuel said to all the people, “Do you see him whom the LORD has chosen? Surely there is no one like him among all the people” (NASB). In other words, Saul was handsome, impressive and had a “kingly stature.”
But remember, appointing Saul as king was not God’s idea. Samuel told the people that he was appointing a king because they had rejected God as their king (1 Sam. 10:9). Basically, God gave the people over to what they wanted. Later, Samuel told the people “[y]ou will realize what an evil thing you did in the eyes of the LORD when you asked for a king” (1 Sam. 12:17). And you know what, the people responded by confessing that “we have added to all our other sins the evil of asking for a king.” (1 Sam. 12:19). That’s quite a change of heart, and Samuel responded that the LORD would not reject his people. Nevertheless, at the same time, it was too late to change direction – they had a king.
Appearances can be deceiving. Saul may have “looked” right, but he wasn’t what the people needed – a leader who would encourage their obedience and reliance on the LORD.
Saul was anointed king in chapter 10. By chapter 13, Samuel has told Saul that because of his disobedience, his kingdom would not endure (1 Sam. 13:14) and in chapter 15 Samuel tells Saul “You have rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD has rejected you as king over Israel.” (1 Sam.15:26). God went on to have Samuel anoint David, “a man after God’s own heart,” as king (Acts 13:22). But Saul’s reign continued and he lasted as king for 40 years - a sobering thought as to the long term consequences of demanding our own way, rather waiting on the LORD and his provision.
I would suggest that we (yes, me included) are way too fickle to allow us the luxury of trusting in what “we” want in a pastor. Instead, we need to pray diligently that God would show us who and what we truly need, and that he would be bring to us the man that he has chosen to help lead our church at this time.
~ Bob Bylsma
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
-1 Thessalonians 5:18
That is why I love this simple verse nestled at the end of Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians. He clearly states "THIS is God's will for you!"
So what is it?
To give thanks!
So that is what I choose to do! I choose to hunker down into the heart of God's will for me today and I urge you to do the same. I choose to give thanks in all circumstances--even if they don't quite line up the way I wish they would have.
Lord, thank you so much for a godly pastor who has sought hard after your will. Thank you that he has been with us for these many years and that he has diligently studied your Word and brought what you have laid on his heart to the people.
Thank you for godly Christian men who serve this body on the elder board. Thank you for their perseverance through tough times and joy. Thank you for their late nights and for the sacrifices made by their families, too.
Thank you for the deacons who are such servants of God and people as well. They, too, serve so faithfully and quietly, allowing their praise to come from God! Thank you!
Thank you for Pastor Dean who brings such a sense of godly Christian confidence in a God he has served in the ministry for over 50 years. His strength and the peace he exudes is such a bastion of encouragement. Thank you for his wisdom in imparting your truth through sharing your Word as well.
Thank you for an amazing youth pastor who has wisdom beyond his years, a passion for truth and for you, and for the kids he serves. Thank you that he has a heart for worship and that he serves the entire body by leading us in worship each Sunday.
Thank you for the men and women that serve behind the scenes at Cool Community Church--for those who faithfully vacuum the carpets and replace the soap in the soap dispenser in the women's restroom, for those who fix whatever ends up breaking, for those who coordinate pot-lucks, wind-up microphone cords, and those who push the button on the computer so that we can read the words to the worship music on the screen. Thank you for those who lead our children, change diapers in the nursery, mow the lawns, take out the garbage. Lord, there are so many faithful people who serve you without ever looking to be praised or thanked. We are so fortunate as without them, we wouldn't manage!
Please bless each and every one of these precious folks today, Lord.
Lord, today I choose joy. I choose to grab a hold of each moment for everything that it is worth and to squeeze out of it every bit of blessing that you intend. I choose gratitude and humility. I choose to exalt you instead of self. I choose your will, instead of my will.
Thank you for a church home where my family and I can worship you here on the Georgetown Divide just 5 minutes from our home with other like-minded believers.
Thank you for the adventure that is ahead as we step into uncharted territory!
~ Heidi Bylsma
It is funny how my "issues" seem to come to the forefront when someone in authority does something that *I* think is unexpected. Humans being human, this happens quite frequently.
I didn't expect Pastor Mike to hear a calling by God to leave Cool Community Church.
I didn't expect God to issue a call to Pastor Mike and his family to leave!
In spite of how I feel, I now realize that I haven't been disappointed by Pastor Mike so much as I have been disappointed, perhaps, by God! I was really hoping that Pastor Mike would stay around a lot longer! :-)
The fact that it is GOD who is "behind" this change, places what is going on in a radically different context for me. God can take my disappointment. I need to pour it out to Him. He alone can offer a godly answer and solution to the heartache I feel.
Author Donna Partow exhorts in one of her books: "Run to the throne instead of to the phone," when disappointed with things in life! I need to remember this and not fill the ear of an indulgent friend, but rather lay my heartache at the feet of Jesus.
Perhaps because of some history in my life with authority figures that disappointed me, it is much easier to pin the blame on a human than on God. But in this case, the human is not the one responsible for "letting me down." In fact, I trust that he is doing what God wants! Pastor Mike is fulfilling the call of God and in a rational moment, untainted by my emotions gone wild, I rejoice that this is the case! I wouldn't want it any other way, in fact.
Would you? I don't imagine any of us would! We want God's will! This is it. Let us rest in that!
So, I bring my heartache and disappointment to God instead of fussing about it to a friend who is willing to put up with me...(Honestly, I have done my share of griping, too...but I am admonished by the scripture that tells me to do everything without grumbling or complaining!)
Bob's post yesterday really challenged me to remember that I DO have a Shepherd. I haven't been "let down" by yet another authority figure. In my flesh, I want to cry "I'm a victim!" Good grief!
Truthfully, I am ready to be done with such lesser things. I am ready to press on toward the upward call of God and to begin to lay a hold of that for which Christ Jesus has laid a hold of me.
God is my ultimate "authority figure." He is a kind, gentle, perfect, wise, loving, Shepherd. He is also a warrior, fighting for me. He is also a King, ruling with sovereignty and power. He is the one in whom I trust. If I struggle with accepting this decision--of letting go of the Ernsts--perhaps He is calling me to release a hold on that which I hold so dear so that I might have the freedom to embrace that to which He now calls...something much greater than I can imagine in the days ahead.
Far from being abandoned, I get the distinct impression that a new adventure has begun!
~ Heidi Bylsma
In Philippians 4:6, Paul tells us:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I suppose we will all agree that our search for a pastor comes within the broad definition of “anything” about which we are exhorted not to be anxious as well as within the “everything” for which we are to be in prayer. But how does “thanksgiving” fit into it? I think that if we look below the surface we may find much to be thankful about.
First, we can be thankful that we are not without a shepherd. Psalm 23:1 says “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.” In other words, I (or we) already have everything we need. Indeed, 1 Pet. 2:25 makes clear that Jesus himself is the true Shepherd and Overseer of our souls.
He has also provided us with the Holy Spirit, who will lead during this time. As Jesus was preparing his disciples for his crucifixion and his subsequent ascension, he told them that he would not leave them as orphans, but that the Father would send the Spirit of truth who would live with them and be with them forever. 2 Peter 1:3 tells us that He “has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
And he has given us elders, who have been called to lead and shepherd “the flock,” and more importantly, who understand and have embraced their God-given role. Moreover, he has given us two teaching pastors who remain and continue to serve the body.
We can also be thankful that while we may not have anticipated this time or this need, God is not surprised. In Psalm 139, David says “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” The same can be said about our Church body. Indeed, I think that the clear implication of this passage is that not only before this need arose, but before the foundation of the world, God had chosen the man he intended to fill the void and to lead our Church with our other elders. I firmly believe that there is one man that God has called to serve at this time at Cool Community Church. God will provide us with that man, in his timing, provided we wait patiently on him and earnestly seek the man He intends to provide. In Acts 17:26, Paul tells us that God “determined the times set for [men] and the exact places where they should live.” In James 4:15, we are told that we should humbly approach life with the attitude that “if it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”
So, let's pray for God to provide the man he has called in His time. At the same time, let's not forget to be thankful for all He has given us while we wait on Him.
~ Bob Bylsma
Welcome to "Lord We Need a Pastor...," dedicated with love to our church family at Cool Community Church in Cool, California.
June 2009 brought the announcement that our lead pastor, Mike Ernst, and his family would be moving back to Auburn, California and that God is leading them into new places ministry-wise.
Many of us are experiencing a broad plethora of emotions as we face the future--the uncertainty, the questions. We all could use some encouragement as we look to the Lord and fix our eyes on His face and His will.
This blog is here as one way of offering that to our church family.
We may be without a human shepherd for a season...it may even be a LONG season! But here is a question to ponder...*ARE* we truly without a shepherd?
Ezekiel 34: 11 encourages us with this:
I myself will search for my sheep
and look after them.
Right now is an opportunity for us to cling to the Lord as never before...to be desperate for him, to learn from him, to allow him to teach us whatever he chooses.
In 2 Chronicles 20, when King Jehoshaphat was faced with a huge army marching against Judah, the "odds" seemed insurmountable. From a human perspective, things appeared grim. Even so, they stood firm in their faith and King Jehoshaphat prayed to God in verse 12:
this vast army that is attacking us.
We do not know what to do,
but our eyes are upon you.
His gaze was right where it needed to be.
The Lord responded to this faith. Isn't it wonderful that our Shepherd speaks to us words of encouragement just when we need them?
The Lord spoke (verse 15):
because of this vast army.
For the battle is not yours, but God's."
Likewise, the need to "find" a new pastor is great challenge, as well. It seems insurmountable and in our flesh we may want to rush the timing of this. But this truly isn't our "battle." It is God's. HE will provide what is needed when it is needed. As a member of the search team, I take great encouragement from this fact. I know that HE is raising up, even now, HIS solution to our need. HIS man. HIS way. In HIS time.
The Lord is our Shepherd. He gently leads us, guides us and will nurture and heal us as well. Let's fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith and know in our heart of hearts, this situation is His. He will shepherd us through this time. Let us follow Him faithfully and wait on him.
~ Heidi Bylsma